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Day 1

St. Jansen@ and I drink against the boredom. Only it looked like undecided, but then we defeated the sow!! Ever the blond-lured universe had brain-pegged sump men on such driving downhill by Gliebenfaus.   St, Jansen@ circles in the orbit, which whole brain of full Appelkorn and I also into the universe go to werdx27jetzt. ", " I cried Zirfgumgumbaddel still loud, when Anna Kronismus   from the rear heranpirschte itself to me and asked me for thread. St. Jansen@ verballhornte the tenth hop cold bowl and praised its hardgrown. Lemmy of Motoerhead umsaeuselte


Day 2

St. Jansen@ and I drink against bioassays. St. Jansen@ does not watch out, where he drunk and a punishing round must output Himbeergeist. The Fusel stuck the thinking turns together in a way, which will not approve our health insurance in thirty years. No matter, said I, it to time the last lamps will out-supply, when my Cologne friend OD thing ran: " Et Soetbeer kuett!! Et Soetbeer kuett!! " he cried without omits. @Soetbeersche added itself Kurzweil also directly and and was also equal to a source not not-end-want-ending not-end-want-wanting that: " What is the majority of woman? - a finery column!!! " @Soetbeersche could bring the last syllables out of this Satzen only prustend and loud neck laughing. St. Jansen@ verballhornte the tenth hop cold bowl and began again to praise its hardgrown. This time however none listened to him.


Day 3

St. Jansen@ and I drink against the earth hole. The earth hole is quite beautifully large and stands a lot, so that we lose the fun and the earth hole to the winner kueren. We remain subsequently, being situated with lightning paralysis.


Day 4

St. Jansen@ and I drink against noon. There my Arab friend Ali Fikdusimir comes and says: " Shalomlom! ". Since St. Jansen@ few Kisuaheli speaks, the two converse. In the meantime I go reloading to the Vierunzwansichstunntanke over. As I the even case to break myself am, was suddenly a maennlein before me, that had four eyes and pointed to an auto, which resembled the Granada of death like an egg the other one. " This vehicle was returned by the time, in order to save once your life! " That fit quite well, since I could not run eh any longer.

Day 5

St. Jansen@ and I drink against straight. @Soetbeersche gets the west curve only with trouble bent straight. Jaja, @Soetbeersche evenly constantly is under current. " Lallaaaaaaaasssssssss, " I try to say SSsaaasojfhhssssslllaaallal. @Soetbeersche told me of last night: " Fikikifikifikifikifkifikifikifikifkiikfikiufgkkkkkkkk ". That were in the end too many Kx27s, which could not concern. St. Jansen@ countered ice cold: ")=(/§)$(/§)(%$/87938547983=)(/)(§/)$(/)(§/$8909(=)§($)§=983475023049eg huregiu88uhiuhg uhierutuunjnjcvbboojkp urego oe r09uuippuiopuioapuio 93840569 3ss0967 /(=)(/§)=(/$)§ & & § %%%$/ & / & / / /! " $ "" §§=) ")(!?=(?!!=)=)=(/) §/$Q / " § & / (/§$(/ (/§$/ ". Thumbs highly, that were almost without exception special characters and numbers. One must be able to express that first times. I had hardly thought, there went past the vieraeugige maennlein for the tenth time to the pissen.

Day 6

St. Jansen@ and I drink against the clock. Unfortunately the clock was not waterproof and we had to digital clock to transfer. So easily we are not to be had! We laughed ourselves in the laugh up! " Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi! " After we had away-laughed ourselves the ass, beschlich a notion, therefore we decided us to drink against clock ancestor. Bad idea, clock ancestor knueppelte like Popoklat with start! St. Jansen@ x27s hardgrown was not to be praised no more, then the old muck sow had poured out to us. No matter, the Musi has thirst and Dr. Rock has always consulting hour!

Day 7

St. Jansen@ and I drink against war. St. Jansen@ got a faith crisis: " I war anything to drink ", God praise did not meet we the Klofussumpuschelungs designer Rudi Mentaer. Uncle Rudi chatted also directly from the sewing small box; " The determined number of topfpflanzen z in an office is in reverse reciprocal in relation to the performed work p! ". Hat off, which will be able themselves to call bent readers surely still in memory, that Rudi Mentaer as a small child into the letter soup is fallen and therefore still relatively swollen along-talked. In all other respects Klofussumpuschelungs Design must become olympic.

Day 8

St. Jansen@ and I drink against section. We had not ever made that, why also became due equal GEMA fee. " Pigs ", St. Jansen@, I " cried to gehx27 in the universe! " There was however already more zappenduster. Still better than more dappenzuster. Or Hochzuckdrone. Or Wechstabenverbuchsler. Or also Abdominaldiaphragma. No matter, Klofussumpuschelungs Design was not yet olympic become, very probably however recognized teaching profession with everything that belongs to, so that Rudi Mentaer had come meanwhile to modest prosperity @Soetbeersche was still social parasites: " How does e- aguitarist actually make? ", it asked even still, when it could be released for social reasons from the GEZ fee. " Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr! Stromgitarr!! " Unfortunately was already sixteen o'clock through, so that the office layer in the slot made, in order to go and the wife the hardgrown praise home! Oh, joyful end of workday!

Day 9

St. Jansen@ and I drink against suppression! Unfortunately I must sail, so that I deactivate first times a bar water! Created!

Day 10

St., Jansen@ and I drink approximately over. " Ueberhauptnix ", says St. Jansen@. It did not seem to be clear it that it had lost now on a new, because now talked itself it around heading and collar. Now everything was no matter, it could obviously not watch out, where it talked, because suddenly was to Big Luk, the long misery, before it and did not want double CLOSE LINE of the highest rope with following Elbow drop to train. And so stroke it on to break a hand mixture of the fence so that immediately all zimmerten themselves merrily the bar stools over the Bregen. " There no Punch is behind ", called St. Jansen@ briefly before it the piano with the chewing border caught. There the Beisserchen sizzled. " Mach you times in the shirt ", did not say Big Luk, the long misery. Then it became night!

Day 11

St. Jansen@ and I drink against tooth loss. It helps, because St. Jansen@ regenerated a complete double tooth series. Apropos grown: naturally... more..aber no matter, Big Luk, which came long misery to sit in order to observe convalescence, and in order also once with a lukewarm dose beer on a chair. " Klofussumpuschelungsdesign must become olympic! ", I tried to bring a discussion in course. " Madirma nichins shirt ", said Big Luk, the long misery; it was to be marked to it clearly that its parents had consonant-freely educated it; otherwise it sat quite well with its lukewarm dose beer on the chair and enjoyed about dickbruestigen nurses, who offered for sale geschaeftig in their short sister schwesterntrachten Beischlafutensilien from their Beischlafutensilienkoffern. Unfortunately is updated / in the Suff and not in the Bums, why the collected Prominenz dedicated itself again to the lukewarm dose beer. Dr. Rock came in and examinierte with large understanding of drawer over night the double tooth series of St. Jansen@, regenerated.

Day 12

St. Jansen@ and I drink against zero. After we had infinitesimally approximated, we decided, to teach @Soetbeersche consonant-free reading. Consonant-free reading is very important for taxifahrer, so that we are home driven on the basis the painted signsign sign with our address (we are fox!). On the way there we met Big Luk, the long misery. " Mahatma shirt "; now its consonant-free education was to be marked to it more than clearly. Now was not it like that that this more coincidental meeting did not help us: We carried Big forward Luk, the long misery simply.

Day 13

St. Jansen@ and I drink against forgetting. Yesterday we taught @Soetbeersche consonant-free reading. As we had already suspected, Big Luk, the long misery a large assistance, was so that we went the learning equal into the act to have transferred and us with our painted sticking describing to the taxi status. " AU a AUAEAe! ", St. Jansen@, Iau " ii ieae said! " Jaja, beer we needed all and answered Big Luk, the long misery in such a way: " Ma shirt! " He seemed to have forgotten its whole consonant-free education, because four consonants had actually in-crept into to be clean statement; @Soetbeersche improved also directly: " A-AEAe!! " At this time the taxifahrer on a much-traveled crossing stopped and left loud crying the taxi. We forgot all further.

Day 14

St. Jansen@ and I drink against the memory. The memory of forgetting. The confusion was large. St. Jansen@ broke in sometime that everyone, which hunts storks becomes mehlig. He said that then also equivalent loud: " MEHLIG BECOMES, WHO HUNTS STORKS!!! " In the television sump men came on driving downhill, which amused me much. I considered myself, what on consonant free sump man is called, came however to no result, so that I said Klofussumpuschelungsdesign on consonant free: " OO-CU-cU-cUe-cU-cIi-cEgg! ". " Did that become already olympic actually? ", St. Jansen@ asked back. ", " I said and found EII it quite beautifully impolite by St. Jansen@ that he did not answer consonant-free me. Kisuaheli do not speak however to answer consonant-free can. The habx27 I gladly.